Services for the city
Women's door
The Women's Desk is a space for listening, welcoming, informing, orienting and supporting local services, regarding the needs identified during interviews with women. It offers a link between demand and supply of domestic work and care work, it accepts complaints of cases of racial or gender discrimination. Through the counter it is possible to access the association's services, women's socialization groups, workshops, language learning groups, projects. The activity is carried out from an intercultural and gender perspective, from woman to woman.
The women's desk is activated by Nosotras, an intercultural association of migrant and Italian women that deals with empowerment, the fight against gender violence, promotion of maternal and child health, training.
c/o Mercy of Empoli, Via Cavour n.43/b Empoli
Open Friday 9.00 - 12.00
For information and appointments: Tel.: 055 277 6326 - 0571 725062